Monday, August 18, 2014

Book Review - The Sewtionary By Tasia St. Germaine

About two weeks ago I was searching Amazon for sewing books and saw one that had a pretty cover. I'm all about pretty covers so I clicked on it. The title intrigued me so I clicked the icon that said "see inside". Usually I am not interested in books based solely on technique because in the past I have seen some that are very vague on descriptions and didn't have easy or clear step by step directions or reasons why things are the way they are. This book, "The Sewtionary" by Tasia St. Germaine, creator of the Sewaholic blog, was the exact opposite of those. The book not only tells you what the technique or item is, it tells you when and why to use it. It also gives you step by step pictures that are easy to follow and very concise.

After reading the entire preview I decided I had to have this book. I ordered it from Amazon for about $23 and got it two days later. I love Amazon Prime. This book has pretty much everything that a beginning to intermediate sewer needs. The explanations are clear and informative. Mostly all of the pictures are real life pictures, instead of diagrams, so you can see the details instead of having to infer them like some books do.

The writing is clear and concise and will reference back to previous sections so you can jump straight to the page. For example if one technique requires binding but the book hasn't talked about binding yet it will tell you what page to skip to to learn about the binding.

This book is fun, pretty, and informative. It is definitely worth the money if you are looking for a reference guide you can actually hold in your hands. I believe there is an ebook format as well.

Follow this link to purchase your own copy from Amazon. Or you can purchase the book directly from the author and get it signed as well!

I know my blog posts tend to be a bit wordy so I tried to make this one as short as I could.

Happy reading!

*All pictures were taken from the author's webpage. I didn't want to run into the issue of showing a page that was not authorized as a preview.

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